Dutch Society for Gender and Health.
In recent years, attention has increasingly been focused on sex- and gender-related aspects of healthcare in the Netherlands in research, education, and treatment. Since 2016, when the Research Programme Gender & Health was implemented, researchers have sought a platform for exchange and for broadening their scientific endeavours in the field of gender-sensitive healthcare. In response to this need, the Dutch Society for Gender and Health was founded in October 2017.
Aim of the Dutch Society for Gender and Health is to foster a sex- and gender-sensitive approach of health and disease in research, education, and care practices in order to foster better healthcare for women and men. Such an approach is multidisciplinary and starts from an intersectional perspective.
Activities of the Society are:
- Organisation of a yearly symposium (1st symposium will be held on May 23, 2018)
- Provision of workshops in sex- and gender-sensitive research methods for researchers, clinicians, and other interested people
- Dissemination of available (inter)national materials for research and education
- Seeking alliances with international organisations that strive for a gender-sensitive health care
- Sharing new insights and innovative knowledge with the public and politics/politicians
In 2012, the Alliance for Gender and Health was founded by WOMEN Inc (a unique network aimed at increasing the participation of women in Dutch society) and the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. The Alliance is a robust collaboration of relevant stakeholders such as medical specialists, psychologists, knowledge institutes, scientists, gender experts, and policy makers. Together they seek an understanding of the differences in health between men and women, and strive for making health care more gender-sensitive.
In 2015, the Alliance produced the Knowledge Agenda Gender and Health and offered it to the Ministry of Health, Well-being, and Sports. In 2016, this resulted in the Research Programme Gender & Health, implemented by The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW) and financed by this Ministry with 12 million euro for the first 4 years.
The foundation of the Dutch Society for Gender & Health, launched October 5, 2017, during the national Congress of Gender & Health in Amersfoort, repesents a sustainable effort for promoting sex- and gender-related aspects of healthcare in the Netherlands.
ZonMW Gender & Health Meetings:
Feb 3, 2017: https://publicaties.zonmw.nl/symposium-gender-en-gezondheid/
Links to the Society:
Board members: